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  • Writer's pictureDean Tommy

Last-Minute, Law-Related Halloween Costumes

Legal puns can be a humorous way to mix the spirit of Halloween with the legal profession.

Here are some last-minute, law-related Halloween costume ideas:

👔 Lawsuit: Wear a suit with case briefs, legal documents, Post-its, or pages from your 75-page Criminal Law outline pinned all over it.

🧟‍♂️ Habeas "Corpus": Dress as a zombie carrying a writ of habeas corpus. The term "habeas corpus" is Latin for "you shall have the body," which takes on a humorous twist when considering zombies.

🍰 Tortfeasor: Dress as a piece of cake (or torte … get it!) and carry a "fault" sign or a "liable" sign. (As a sign note, do not (repeat: do not!) carry a “guilty” sign. Whether someone is “guilty” or “innocent” pertains to Criminal Law—not Torts.)

🍫 Passing the Bar: Dress up as a bar (of soap, chocolate, etc.) with a sign saying "Passed!”

⚖️ Justice Served: Dress as a waitperson with a tray carrying a scale or a gavel.

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