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  • Writer's pictureDean Tommy

A Legal Educator's Valentine: Celebrating My Lifelong Romance with Law

Dear Law,


My journey with you started not merely as a career choice, but as a deep-seated desire and passion to nurture understanding, success, and confidence in others. From the Appalachian School of Law to Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law, and then to the University of Dayton School of Law, I have committed my career to guiding law students and graduates through the rigors of legal education and the challenges of the bar exam.

Your world, Law, is one of complexity and nuance, and I have found deep fulfillment in demystifying this for aspiring legal professionals. My teaching philosophy has always been centered on not just imparting knowledge, but on inspiring confidence and competence. The joy I find in this process is akin to watching a seed grow into a flourishing tree, knowing that each student I guide is another branch extending your reach and impact in the world.


I hope my deep affection for you, Law, shines through in every class I teach, every piece of advice I offer, and in the countless hours I spend ensuring that each student grasps the essence of your principles. This is not just a job for me. It’s a fervent dedication energized by the achievements of those I teach. You have been my constant companion in this journey, guiding my steps and affirming my belief in the power of education.


As I look back on my career, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to have worked with so many bright minds, helping them navigate your complexities and emerge as competent legal practitioners. My commitment to you, Law, remains steadfast. Together, we will continue to inspire, educate, and shape the legal profession.


With deepest respect and love,



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